Advanced Academic Programs

Elementary School Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) (Overview of the program):

Fairfax County Public Schools offers a continuum of advanced academic services for students K-12 that builds upon students’ individual strengths and skills and maximizes the academic potential for all learners.

Our Rose Hill Advanced Academic resource teacher (AART), Mrs. Freeman, collaborates with the classroom teachers to promote talent development and opportunity for enrichment for all learners. Families may refer their student for advanced academic services or get additional information on the screening process or advanced academic opportunities at Rose Hill by contacting Mrs. Freeman.  Ongoing observation and assessment ensure that student needs are being met.

Please contact Eileen Freeman via email if you have additional questions or need assistance. She can be reached at

AAP Identification & Placement For Current Students

Do You Want Your Child Screened For Level IV Services?

Rose Hill AAP Expansion Community Conversation

Screening for Full Time Services FAQ Presentation